Persuasive Essay: Smoking Should Be Banned

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Smoking should be banned persuasive essay planning: Population Environment Finances Illness 3 main ideas: 1. Population - Smoking affects the population in various ways. It affects smoker's health and panels their habits and use of time, and the increasing cost of tobacco makes it an expensive habit. Second hand smoke affects not only the smoker, others around them. Also, it doesn't only effect just the people, but it pollutes the environment too! According to the Environmental Protection Agency, children are vulnerable to the all the outcomes of second hand smoke since they are still growing. Children unprotected from second hand smoke have enlarged risks of unexpected, sudden infant death syndrome, asthma, middle ear infection, pneumonia and bronchitis. According to every cigarette you smoke takes away 14 minutes of your life. If we don't ban smoking what's going to happen to our population? More people will die from smoking cigarettes which means soon enough we are going to run Out of room to bury them! There will soon enough be not enough space to bury people, then where will we be? Not only as a state, but as a country. It is rather plain that smoking causes air pollution and can also pollute the ground. According to …show more content…

is due to smoking cigarettes, ways in which can cause death from smoking is due to conditions such as pneumonia, bronchitis, lung cancer and emphysema. Deaths from smoking vary all around the world, for example, Alaska reported 492 deaths. According to the website better health, 4,900 Australians died from smoking-related illness each year, did you know that's 40 deaths that we could avoid every day! Cancer is the major cause of death from smoking, 57% of men and 51 percent of women have died from smoking related sickness. Quitting smoking shrinks the possibility of deaths due to smoking, in all

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