Persuasive Essay: The Benefits Of Playing Videogames

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The Benefits of Playing Videogames Videogames are great! They offer a wide variety of things to do, and with all of the options out there the possibilities of fun seem endless. But people seem to really hate videogames, and really you can’t blame them for every pro, there is a con. But for every con there is a solution. You see people get caught up on the bid things about videogames they don’t seem to realize that there is a way to avoid that certain thing. That is why I’m telling you about this because videogames don’t have to hurt you in any way. In fact, they can benefit you in so many ways. You just need to find the solution. That is why I wrote this paper. Videogames are always accused of being used to much and causing kids to only think about videogames or spending that much time in front of the screen is really bad for them. But that is SO easily avoided and people know about it they just think people won’t really do it. Spend only a hour or two playing videogames every few days. If you’re really concerned about it you may do that every day. And before you know it your parents can’t use that as a valid excuse for wanting you off the videogames. Besides what Is the harm in that extra 12 hou… I mean extra hour used on playing outside? Another thing that is heard a lot is that playing …show more content…

Dedication to games overtime will allow you to focus on many things and still keep a balance of doing those things right, In many games similar to Fortnite. You need to keep a keen eye, and depending on your situation you will really need to know where all of your nearby enemies are, because trust me in that game you can die from anything in a matter of 1 second. Not even kidding. The reason that I put this into here is because it is a start. You will never be perfect at multitasking, But this is surley one of the best starts you can do, and even better it is probably one of the most fun you will find. Depending on what game your