
Persuasive Essay: Why Colleges Should Teach Hacking

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To begin, there are so many gray areas in whether colleges should teach hacking. Personally, I believe that the negative outcomes outweigh the positive. The public is worried whether colleges should teach their students how to code malware and viruses. It is reported that one instructor even teaches students how to curb anti-virus software and how to create anonymous strings of email spam. Whereas colleges teaching hacking could be seen as unnecessary, it could be insanely helpful and needed in the future years. Since technology is opening so many doors for path choices among many other options, there should be people who are taught how to break the system occasionally to make some wrongs right. So many more achievements could be available if we had friendly hackers who could help us by examining our product and analyzing it enough to see if there are any security bugs or anywhere that we could improve. Furthermore, another reason as to why hacking should not be taught in colleges is because the amount of intellectual property was estimated about 1$ trillions worth in 2008. Subsequently, this information is lost due to hackers gaining access to forbidden information. This is just another reason how and why you must …show more content…

I believe that this stunning fact should shock you and make you contemplate all of your passwords that are they key to your media site such as your email that you use for your career or your facebook that you use to reconnect with old friends and keep up with your family news. However, if you complicate your password by adding two extra letters and a number, the cracking period of that password could last to about three years. The difference of hacking passwords is incredibly influential and should impact you whenever you’re registering for a site the next

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