School Start Later

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It’s 6:30 am and my alarm has just gone off. I say to myself, just 10 more minutes. Aw man I have tests in all of my classes. I don’t feel like taking those tests. After about 15 minutes of staying in bed, I finally get out of my bed and get ready. In just minutes the first school bell will ring and I haven’t even gotten 7 hours of sleep. I think to myself, how am I going to be prepared for those tests while I am over here restless. Another hour has flown by in the nick of time and that’s when I grunt and say,”Ugh. First period already? I just need another hour worth of sleep. Why can’t the school day start later?” Starting school later however, can start some problems for some people like giving teachers and students not enough time to do …show more content…

In addition to this, if there are more people staying after school, they would need to hire more bus drivers which would mean an increase in money that is being used every day or even every school year. Therefore, there shouldn’t be a later start time to the school day because it would affect after school activities.The final piece of evidence to support the claim that school should not start later as a result of it affecting after school activities is from Achieve 3000 titled,”Bright and Early...or Not?” and it states,”Many are concerned that a later school day will cause problems. Students may have less time for after-school jobs, athletics, or other extracurricular activities.”This piece from Achieve 300 shows that for the many people that have after school activities, they will have a hard time in getting the amount of time that is needed for that activity. If the students have an activity after school, it’s going to be harder to do it if they are given less time as a result of later start times for …show more content…

A piece of evidence to support this is from “Support for Sleeping in? Half of parents favor later school start times for teens” by Mental Health Weekly Digest, it states,”Twenty-seven percent of parents said they would only support the later time if it didn 't impact school budgets…” That piece from Mental Health shows that for schools that are deciding on whether or not to start school later, this shows that they shouldn’t transition from an early starting school to a later starting school because they would be spending huge chunks of money that would be useful in other ways other than just being used for the school to start later. Since, school budgets are hard to maintain as a result of the vast majority of bills they need to pay, it would be best that they don’t spend another couple million dollars on transportation to school and possibly after school at a later time. If the schools could find an alternative way for the schools to start later without any financial issues and other consequences that could affect the students academically, then the twenty-seven percent of parents that dislike the start time change would reconsider and possibly approve of the change. To sum up, schools shouldn’t start later because of the amount of people that dislike the time change and the consequences that follow. In addition to the previous piece of