Why You Should Get A Dog “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than himself”, once said by Josh Billings. Dogs are really the most amazing pet you could possibly own. There are just way too many benefits! From breed to breed, just choose one you’ll need rather it be a affectionate friendly family dog to enjoy with the kids, a guard dog, a cattle herding dog, and just all types of reasons on having a dog. I’ll be talking about why you should own a dog and what all of the amazing and spectacular benefits of having a canine with you are exactly. Dogs are healthy for your mental and emotional health. Research says they boost your mood within fifteen to thirty minutes while being around them. Psychologists from Miami and St. Louis Universities found that benefits of having a dog as a companion can be equivalent to having a human companion. Dogs owners also have a easier time becoming social, approachable, and maybe even help get over some shyness, so taking your dogs on walks could potentially gain you some more friends. A study by Britain’s Warwick University found that forty percent of people reported making friends much easier as a result of owning a dog. They also really do help depression in a lot of …show more content…
You want to choose a breed that has the activity level that is similar to your own, because some breeds have more energy than others. You can simply just look online to see if a breed is hyper, calm, good at finding things, etc. Just know if you choose an energetic dog it will most likely be energetic for most of their life until they start to get old. Speaking of older dogs, those are the best for small kids, old couples, or just first time dog owners. The older dogs tend to be calmer, they can still chase a ball, but for the most part they will just be affectionate and a lapdog. Just remember to take care of your four legged friend and teach yourself some responsibility. Honestly, dogs are the