Persuasive Speech About Makeup

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Makeup is something that is fun, enjoyable and enhances one’s beauty however, some people wear makeup to cover up acne or to hide their blemishes, while other people wear makeup because they’re insecure. Makeup can enhance one’s beauty or can make someone look like a halloween character, depending on how you use it My point on makeup is I don’t find it relevant, but if i’m wearing something that I want to stand out (like clothes), I’ll wear it. I don’t wear makeup everyday, but I do know enough to know how it works. As much as someone already finds putting their makeup a hassle; they usually forget about the before process, cleansing their skin. Whether you take your showers when you first wake up or right before you go to sleep, you have dirt that builds up on your skin. When using the water, don’t use too hot of water but instead semi- hot. The hot water will strip away natural oils and your skin will be prone to damage. Hot water can also cause your skin to become dry, when cleansing your skin there’s usually instructions for how long you should keep it on, but if not, dermatologists say you shouldn’t keep it on for longer than 2 minutes to prevent irritation. When you’re done with the shower, PAT your face dry instead of vigorously rubbing your skin, if you pat your skin then some water will stay over, which the moisturizer will keep on your skin, which brings me to the next part, Moisturizing. Moisturizer should be applied to your face as soon as you’re done

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