
Persuasive Speech On National Anthem

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The Star Spangled Banner, a staple of sporting events and early school mornings, is played daily. A song that holds a deep meaning to the United States citizens, a second after the first chord chimes through the speakers, everyone stands in unison. Some mouth the words and feel the national spirit, while some stand, respectful of our nation’s history and rebellion against foreign powers. Students should understand that this national song holds significant importance. It signifies our history as a country, unparalleled to others throughout today's world. A simple gesture of standing while the anthem plays is not a daunting task. Standing during the national anthem expresses respect and patriotism and should therefore be held mandatory for all students of the United States. Patriotism is the feeling of attachment to a nation from which an individual is from or inhabits. Everywhere we …show more content…

In no part of the National Anthem do we express a specific religion, nor any affiliation of religious beliefs. Now, in the Pledge of Allegiance, “one nation under God” is mentioned, however this is not the National Anthem, the focus of their argument. If someone believes the pledge violates their religion, they should not be forced to recite it, but still should be made to stand during the playing of the anthem.
Many also cite their hostility towards our crooked past as a nation as just reason to not stand during the anthem. This can be seen as valid argument and if they believe it, then so be it, they are free to express themselves, they should know the National Anthem stands for much more than our past. It stands for a respectful gesture towards servicemen and women who gave their lives throughout history so that we can be a free nation. Not everything in our past is meant to be applauded, but it is important to realize the significance of the good memories like our independence and the freedoms we gained by becoming our own

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