Persuasive Speech On Opioids

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Executive Summary The use of opioids to treat pain not related to cancer needs to be revaluated. The overprescribing and misuse of these opioids have caused a staggering increase of opioid overdose in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “On average, 115 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose” (1). These numbers keep rising at an alarming rate every year. Natural medications like Cannabidiol (also known as CBD) need to be considered to treat these illnesses instead of opioids. CBD is a natural occurring compound in the hemp plant that is being used by hundreds of people across the world to treat a wide range of illnesses from epilepsy to cancer. Due to the negative stigma that marijuana has, any derived medication from the hemp plant is widely not accepted by society. However, due to the new laws allowing the use medicinal marijuana in 29 states, many people are starting to look at CBD to treat their pains. I am here today to advocate and to ask for medical practitioners to use CBD rather than opioids, as a …show more content…

You are seeing people be more health conscious about what products they put in their bodies. You can see that many people are selecting to eat fresh products that do not have] additional chemicals that are harmful to their bodies. I believe this will also be the same for what medications they take. The use of natural products like CBD will be on the rise I believe with the use of CBD products we patients can start reducing the number of opioids they are taking to relieve their pain symptoms. I implore medical practitioners to start looking into CBD products to treat patients instead of treating them with opioids. Let’s us be the generation that stops the use of opioid pain killers and begins a new era of natural medications like CBD to help ailing Americans get

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