Persuasive Speech On The Existence Of The Paranormal

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Heading Info: General Purpose: To Persuade Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that the paranormal do exist. Central Idea: The existence of the paranormal can be proven through scientific evidence and personal experience. Organizational Pattern: Topical Pattern INTRODUCTION: Attention Grabber: "There are three classes of people: those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not see." Leonardo Da Vinci broke down the way of the beliefs when it comes to the paranormal. Reveal Topic: The discovery and curiosity of the paranormal world and spirits has been in our lives since the beginning of civilization. People prayed to gods of the dead and underworld. Though times have change, people’s belief in the other side has not. Today I would like to bring some of the …show more content…

I was not alone or crazy. And soon the wildfire spread. I soon learned that sharing paranormal experiences helped me join the side of believers. If all these people had experiences, how could it be something I just made up? According to Richard Wiseman, a University of Hertfordshire psychologist, he believes that: “...[t]here's also the notion that these beliefs are very comforting.” (____) Which is also a reason I believe that people believe in the paranormal. We want to sympathize with someone when they tell us a terrifying story of what they experienced. We want to be able to agree and repeat our own story. Repetition is a key factor in bringing some skeptics to the side of believing. When people all share the same experiences, can they really be making up the same story. Now I understand that fear can create people antsy and cause a people to believe in something someone says as a way to comfort and diminish their fear. But let’s talk about some of those television shows everyone flips pass and they are going through the channel. Those teams such as Ghost Adventures, Ghost Hunters, and Paranormal

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