Persuasive Speech On Type 2 Diabetes

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Obesity is a major dangerous aspect that puts pressure on humans leading to many diseases such as strokes, heart diseases, diabetes and more. Eating food with high amount of sugar, fats and cholesterol adds extra weight to your body. This puts the body in automatic risks of developing any health problems. To concede, if your BMI is 30 or above, you are said to be obese. There is a big relation between diabetes and obesity. So, how are they linked? What is diabetes? Diabetes is a disease which prevents the body to produce any or enough insulin to maintain sugar concentration in blood. There are two types of diabetes, type 1 which often develops in children causing the body to prevent the release of insulin or in type 2, the cause of the body unable to react properly to the stimulus of insulin. There are many risk factors that lead to type 2 diabetes. These factors include age, stress, genetic modification, high cholesterol …show more content…

Managing weight can prevent diabetes by eating healthy and exercising daily. Managing weight can be tough sometimes due to stress. People with diabetes should balance a healthy weight in order to keep the blood glucose level normal. The ‘Canadian Diabetes Association’ research concludes that maintaining a healthy lifestyle prevents type 2 diabetes. ‘Qatar Diabetes Association’ states that there are many different ways in order to prevent diabetes. Many studies have shown that diabetes can be prevented through lifestyle changes such as eating healthier and exercising regularly. 90% of people with diabetes are either overweight or obese. Type 2 diabetes is linked to obesity and lack of physical exercise. There are many ways in order to increase your physical activity throughout the day such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator and walking instead of driving when

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