Analysis Of The Singer Solution To World Poverty By Peter Singer

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What do you do when charitable organizations call you asking for money? Do you donate money to the organization or do you ignore it? In 1999 Peter Singer wrote the article The Singer Solution to World Poverty where he argues “that each one of us with wealth surplus to his or her essential needs should be giving most of it to help people suffering poverty so dire as to be life-threatening.” Singer accomplishes this by introducing his article with two exceptionally different examples: a woman who saved a child’s life and a man who killed a child to save his Bugatti. Secondly, he proposes how much money would be required to save a child from starvation, $200, and explains why a majority people do not give even though $200 is not actually that much money considering what people on other desires. Third, he acknowledges that it would be counterproductive to ask people to give too much, especially when a majority do not believe that they need to give above and over their fair share; he even points out that this also applies to countries with the United States giving .09% when the recommendation is .7%. Finally, he acknowledges that human nature leaves people not wanting to sacrifice what is ours to strangers, he says he has hope that our morals will allow us to select the right decision to help those in need. Singer applies a wide range of literary devices, this includes narratives, rhetorical questions, and counter-arguments to help build an emotional connection with the reader in