Pfeifer V. Johnson Case

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“Shipp”). He was taken outside to the chants of the rest of the mob and was then marched to the Tennessee River, where he was thrown in (Pfeifer, “Historic”; “Shipp”). After waiting a couple minutes, Johnson was pulled up (Pfeifer, “Historic”). There were signs of life from Johnson, so the mob shot him (Pfeifer, “Historic”). His last words were: “God bless you all. I am innocent” (Pfeifer, “Historic”; “Shipp”). After the death of Ed Johnson, there was much protest from the blacks in the community (“Shipp”). As a result, the mayor of Chattanooga closed all saloons and deputized 200 men (“Shipp”). Even people outside of Chattanooga were affected by Johnson’s death (Pfeifer, “Historic”; “Shipp”). The Supreme Court was shocked and infuriated (Pfeifer, “Historic”). Justice Harlan stated that an order by the Supreme Court had not been obeyed by a community for the …show more content…

Chivington, had witnessed the lynching (Linder). He said that there were no deputies guarding the jail on the night of Johnson’s lynching when there was usually six or seven (Linder). Edward Chaddick told the court that he had given Shipp a telegram by hand from the U.S. Supreme Court on the afternoon of the lynching (Linder). John Stonecipher said that a man asked him to help lynch Johnson that night (Linder). Stonecipher told the man that Shipp would probably not agree with that, but the man countered that Shipp did agree, and there wouldn’t be anybody on guard that night (Linder). After testimony was given from 31 witnesses, the trial was recessed until June (Linder; “Shipp”). When the defense presented its case, only one defendant admitted that he was at the lynching that night, but he didn’t participate in the lynching (Linder). When Shipp testified, he told the court that he had no idea that a lynching was planned that night (Linder). When he found out about it, he ran to the jail, but was “seized from behind by several men” (Linder). They “stood over me with a