Pharaoh Ramses II Research Paper

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Pharaoh Ramses II referred to as “ the greatest and most celebrated, and most powerful pharaoh of the Egyptian Empire” (Great Pharaoh #7) reigned over Egypt for approximately 66 years and 2 months. He was named the general of the army at the age of 10 by his father, considering time spent with advisors and the training provided by his Father Seti I, it is remarkable that he seemed to make poor decisions in retrospect to battle decisions. He was a celebrated Pharaoh because of his length of time as Pharaoh, for the monuments, buildings and cities that he built, the old religion that he reinstated for not only stability for the people but for insurance of his ancestors ascension to the throne. Ramses II made decisions that insured the success of his family and for Egypt. Throughout his reign 1279 – 1213 BCE he maneuvered his way into the people’s hearts by proclaiming himself as a God, stabilized the safety of Egypt through treaties with the Hittites with not only an agreement, but a marriage, built new cities, temples and monuments and provided a festival Sed …show more content…

Traditionally when a new King was named in Egypt, surrounding territories were committed to testing the resolve of the new King. Ramses II was tutored under his father Seti I and had learned the art of war from him. Ramses was committed to gaining back land and territory that had previously belonged to Egypt but had been lost prior to his becoming Pharaoh, “notably most had been lost while under the rule of Akhenaten” (Laukens, Dirk). “Four years into the beginning of his reign Ramses II chose to go into battle with the Hittites and their allies in Syria. The war lasted for over 20 years” (Millmore, Mark). Ramses II wanted to prove to the people that he cared about them, he wanted to regain their lands and territories for Egypt. He wanted to put right the wrongs of the past through the loss of these lands, resources and

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