Pharmacist Interview Essay

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Being a pharmacist requires patience, focus, and a great deal of compassion. Tom Laing embodies all of these qualities. Therefore, he excels in his profession of pharmacy. In addition to being an excellent pharmacist, Tom Laing is also a long time family friend, which is why I chose him as the subject of my interview. Tom graduated from Purdue after 5 years, earning a Bachelor of Science. He explained that pharmacy school was much different when he attended than it is for students today. His first year at Purdue was considered pre-pharmacy, then he went on to compete four years of pharmacy school. Tom graduated in 1988, and due to the high demand for pharmacists then, he was employed shortly after earning his degree. Tom is now a employed …show more content…

When asked what attributes are most important for one to succeed as a pharmacist, Tom emphasized that focus is a very important quality. It is vital that they stay focused and pay attention to every detail. They must know that everything they do can seriously impact the patient’s health. He also explained that a successful pharmacist must be patient and empathetic. Patience is key especially since pharmacists interact with so many patients and other health professionals. They must be able to remain calm and helpful even in challenging situations. Pharmacists may not always agree with a physician’s orders or with a difficult patient. Nevertheless, they must be able to deal with the situation in a calm and professional manner. Another important attribute, empathy, goes hand in hand with other qualities of a pharmacist such as compassion and patience. Pharmacists deal with a variety of patients and they must be able to gain an understanding of what the patient is going and maintain a caring attitude throughout. Tom also discussed other qualities such that a pharmacist must be willing to be a life-long learner. With all the advances in technology and new discoveries, pharmacists, as well as all other healthcare workers, must be able to adapt and learn throughout their

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