Philosophy Of Occupational Therapy

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In this assignment, I will be explaining what is occupational therapy to student, who are interested in joining the course by applying the core concepts, value and philosophy of occupational therapy. Occupational therapy is a complex diversion combined of medical and social science. Its focus is on client centred profession concerned with promoting health and wellbeing through occupation. (AOTI,2016) The “Occupational” part is a meaningful activity that individual does that occupy their day, every individual is different and will do different activities in their daily life. The overall goal of occupational therapy is to empower people to participate in the activities of everyday life. Occupational therapist use therapeutic use of activities …show more content…

(WFO, 2017) Occupational therapist who work in acute hospitals will deal with patients who have condition such as cerebral vascular accidents or strokes, orthopaedic problems, burns and cardiac patient. Treatment within the hospital setting is usually short-term and patients are normally discharged quickly. Rehabilitation centres focus on gaining maximum results from patients. The patient seen in rehabilitation centre are similar to patients seen in acute hospitals, for example, strokes, joint replacement, and cardiac patients.(NHS,2017) The purpose of rehabilitation centre is help patient reach their maximum ability and send them home with follow-up care from a home health agency or an outpatient …show more content…

The course involves a combination of practical and written work. To get into an occupational therapy you need two or three A levels, along with five GSCEs (Grade A-C) including English language, maths and science. You may be able to get into the course with the following qualification such as; BTEC, HND or HNC, Science based access course, Equivalent Scottish or Irish qualification (Health career,2016) student must undertake in a practice placement, this provide an opportunity for students to experience occupational therapy in practice and to develop their therapeutic skills and to communicate with service users, carers and colleagues. Placement is delivered in a undergraduate degree or post graduate diploma/master. (Polgase 2012 p,4,3)) Each placement will have a learning outcome that must be achieved to progress through the programme and to the next. Mckenna et al (2001) believes that practice placement provides students with the opportunities to adopt the core values of occupational therapy profession. Placement offers student to rehearsal and reflect on practice and complements academic studies