
Phyllis Shlafly: An American Woman Before The 1970's

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Phyllis Shlafly introduces the role of an American woman before the 1970’s or known as the woman’s liberation movement. She wrote about a woman’s lifestyle was before feminists was an idea. If you were an American woman you were so precious like gold. However, when feminists known as “woman’s libbers” spoke up, they corrupted some of the American women’s minds with the ideas and they believed it. Moving along the role of an American woman was explained by Schlafly she states how the lifestyle of American woman was granted to only this group. The role of a woman is to marry and hold a child in their womb for nine months. The men’s job or duty should be to support and provide for both child and wife. Also during pregnancy, the American woman …show more content…

American woman culture was so different from other cultures Shlafly used the role African and American Indian culture to clarify how woman in these countries had to work hard to support the family. While the men’s lifestyle in these two countries are to hunt and fish but this is seen as a daily life activity that they enjoy. However, being in America it is a blessing to woman because they are taken care of hard working men, who provide necessities and precious possessions for their wife and family. Schlafly states that woman life is a privilege because back then woman used to be respected by …show more content…

For example, today woman are only allowed a certain amount of time off from work after giving birth to their child they must return to work, which leads their newborn infant to be in day care, or be raised by a nanny. This was a negative aspect to Shlafly because before the role of a woman was to stay at home and raise their child on their own. Another example is when a woman is going to get an abortion you see many people that are standing outside the building protesting, these people are standing up for their personal ideals. Abortions are an awful choice to make according to Shlafly, this was changing the American role of a

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