Physical Elements In The Odyssey

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I believe that the physical elements of the performance were effective in demonstrating the setting in every scene perform by the actors of the play. Sometimes the actors will carry a hat, a pig nose, or a giant eye in their forehead to personalize the characters that they were playing. For example, an actress wore a giant eye on her forehead, which help the audience to identify her as the cyclops. Tables, chairs, lights, and speakers were the main physical elements on the stage. The setting was being manipulated by the actors, sometimes they will move the table to one side, or towards the middle in order to build a particular setting. For example, there was a scene where Odysseus was in a ship sailing in the ocean along with his man, and then, …show more content…

In the scene in the play, where Odysseus is with his man in the cave with the cyclops, Odysseus is the one that leads the group, and the one that saves their life’s. This demonstrates that Odysseus have bravery and intelligence because he leads his man, fights the cyclops, and saves his man’s life by finding a way to defeat the cyclops, by allowing them to get out of the cave, and by providing them with a plan. Moreover, the actor that plays Odysseus speaks with confidence in this particular scene when choosing to defeat the cyclops, and he was presented as their hero. The director of the play focuses on Odysseus ability to lead and in his role as a hero to his man. I personally believe that seeing the story as a play gives me a better understanding of the setting and the characters of the epic. I realized that Telemachus behavior has to deal with his age and the lack of a male figure in his life, since in the play he is always surrounded by females, such as Penelope and Eurycleia. I enjoyed watching this play because the director was very creative and the actors managed the stage