Physical Therapy Assignment

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Assignment #2 Role of Physical therapy in school settings Physical therapy services are provided as a "related service" under Part B of the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to support the student’s Individualized education program (IEP).1Part B of IDEA mandates education of 3-21 years old children whose disabilities interfere with their educational performance.2 Working collaboratively with parents, teachers and other related service personnel, the physical therapist (PT) provides specific information on the student’s disability and its impact on the student’s educational environment.The PT evaluates eligible student’s needs and gives specialized input in mobility and movement strategies, adaptive equipment and assistive …show more content…

Following are the few examples of consultative role of physical therapist in school: educating staff regarding transfers in and out of equipment; giving recommendations for positioning students out of their wheelchair or in other classroom equipment; directing staff and parents in use of adaptive equipment for various learning activities; planning strategies for independent and assisted mobility; supporting the safe transportation of students; referring students to other related service personnel and to healthcare providers as appropriate.1,3 As a member of team, the role PT involves participating in the IEP/504 process, including collaboratively determining the need for physical therapy as a related service (IDEA) or as a reasonable accommodation …show more content…

Working collaboratively with the other members of team they ensure a free and appropriate education for students with disabilities. Medicaid is a primary funding source of all allowable physical therapy services delivered at

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