Physician Assisted Suicide Argument

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Death is inevitable, it is something all living creatures must endure on this side of eternity. There is a multitude who will not be able to determine or choose when that time happens, life circumstances are usually out of the controlling grips of humanity. Despite that truth, as of 2015 there are five states in the U.S.A. where terminally ill persons eighteen or older with no more than six months to live are allowed to take their life with the assistance of a physician. California, Montana, Vermont, Washington, and Oregon, have all legalized the practice of physician assisted suicide (USA Today, PAS Dignity 2015). The act is generally committed by way of a prescribed lethal dose of medications intended to speed up the process of the patient 's …show more content…

Dr. Jack Kevorkian, whom many consider the Godfather of “The Right To Die Movement,” is attributed to sparking the plug in regards to serious reform in the medical field to legitimize those suffering with terminal illness who no longer wish to live (James, Legacy). During his time, Kevorkian assisted in the deaths of at least 130 people during the 90’s (James, Legacy). Opponents of Kevorkian’s work and physician assisted suicide altogether, voiced many reasons as to why they felt this practice was detrimental and in similar fashion the anti PAS crowd express some of those same reasons …show more content…

In contrast, proponents of physician assisted suicide view this phenomenon in a completely different light. Within this camp PAS is seen as a logical and obvious option for those who are struggling with a severe illness. On the account of it is seen as a human right, and a choice any competent adult should have at their disposal. In a debate on the legalization of PAS, philanthropist Andrew Solomon stated, “Although no one should be pressed into assisted dying, no one should be categorically denied that right. It’s about dignity.” That is to say, why keep a person whose life is now full of suffering, with death right around the corner from being able to decide on a time of death if they choose to do so. The numbers from Oregon, since the implementation of “Death with Dignity,” reveals “752 patients have participated in physician-assisted death; 400 more people received prescriptions to end their lives but never took the medication.” Undoubtedly, the indication of these numbers is that patients are still in full control of their lives until the end, the sole authority in the most dire of circumstances. A reality advocates of PAS thinks critics are attempting to abolish. The aforementioned, Jack Kevorkian believed, “If you don 't have liberty and self-determination, you 've got nothing, . . . . this is what this country is built on. And this is the ultimate self-determination, when you determine how and when you 're going to die when you 're suffering.” If life choices