Physician Assisted Suicide Essay

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Dr. Smith has a patient named Mrs. Jay and she has a very bad condition causing her to be in a lot of pain. One day she asked her doctor if her pain got to unbearable if he could help her to die or physician assisted suicide (PAS), he agreed. However when the time came to live up to his promise Dr. Smith did not know what to do. After reading the short story about Mrs. Jay and Dr. Smith I came to a conclusion based on my own opinion, a moral decision system, and what I have learned in this class. Hence, I feel as though Dr. Smith should keep his promise and as Mrs. Jay said “mercifully put her out of her misery.” I came to this conclusion using one of the moral decision making systems. I began using the system, Strict Consequentialism, by identifying the problem. The problem was should the doctor disobey the law and his Hippocratic …show more content…

The concept is still the same, putting a person who is about to die a painful death out of their misery so they do not have to suffering until they are deceased. Also I feel there is a right to physician suicide and the right to help someone die because as a doctor you have an obligation to make sure you patient gets whatever they want and need. Therefore if the patient is terminally ill and has no chance of getting better I feel the doctor should want to help the patient die a less painful death. However, I do not feel it is morally right for someone other than a physician to assist with suicide only because doctors a trained and they should be the only ones assisting a patient in dyeing. The right to die implies a duty of the physician to help the patient with that process. The term nonmaleficence states that we have an obligation not to harm people, therefore if a patient is badly suffering why continue to let them hurt when they can be put out of their misery and be able to die a dignified

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