Physician Assisted Suicide In The Film The Suicide Tourist

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Suicide, or the act of intentionally ending ones life is a very sensitive and difficult topic for the average person to wrap their mind around. The human life is extremely valuable and should never be taken for granted. Unfortunately, due to many unforeseen circumstances, such as disease and illness, the quality of ones life can become compromised therefore in many ways decreasing its value. In these instances, where a person’s quality of life has become so diminished that there is no chance of revival, it is only fair to allow them the choice to end their agony. Physician assisted suicide (PAS) provides eligible patients, such as Craig Ewert from the film The Suicide Tourist (2007), with the knowledge and resources in order to terminate …show more content…

When recognizing this principle, it is also important to recognize that a person’s autonomous right should always be respected, despite controversial opinions. In regards to PAS, this is especially relevant. In order to grant all individuals their birth given right, we must respect their choices and decisions. If a terminally ill or diseased patient is nearing the end of their life due to sickness, as self-governing human beings they deserve to have the opportunity to end their life with dignity (Vaughn, 2010, p.598). In the film, The Suicide Tourist (2007), Craig Ewert shares his experiences as he exercises his independent right to die. As a patient suffering from amyotrophic laterals sclerosis (ALS), Craig recognized that his life was coming to an end and he chose not to deny that. Throughout the film he frequently described himself as deteriorating, an empty shell, and a tube that simply takes in nutrients artificially and then excretes them for the sole purpose of “staying alive” (Zaritsky, 2007). However, Craig no longer viewed his life as truly living. ALS had completely taken over his life. This is when Craig made the decision to end his life on his own terms rather then allowing the horrible disease to completely overtake him. Through PAS, Craig was able to exercise his autonomy and make every decision regarding …show more content…

Although these are both understandable opinions, they do not overpower the human beings living rights. As autonomous humans we own the right to self-determination and to make our own life decisions, therefore we should also own the right to decide when to end our own life as well. They may also argue that PAS would not be acting out of beneficence because killing a person is in fact inflicting harm. Although in some instances death may be considered harmful, for terminally ill or incurable diseased patients with severe pain, death is a relief from the agony they have been endlessly enduring. In the eyes of those who are opposed to PAS, they must understand and view the act objectively as a medical intervention rather than a