Piano concerto K.488 was written during 1785-1786, it was one of the three piano concertos wrote by Mozart. The first movement is set in a sonata form. It used 2 flutes, 2 clarinets in A, 2 bassoons, 2 horns in A, 2 violins, 1 viola, 1 cello, 1 double bass and piano.
The structure of classical concerto
The opening movement of the classical concerto No.23 is the most musically substantial. It is the longest movement and a fast-paced variation of sonata principle; sonata-allegro. Begins in home key; A major, presents and develops several themes before ending in the home key.
The cadenza is an elaborate version of a cadence, the chord progression that normally ends a phrase, a movement, or an entire composition. It ends with a long trill before the orchestra return briefly to end the
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From bar 41, the texture of the winds gradually fills up as the flute now joins the bassoons. Clarinets and horns enter at bar 45.
At bars 46-48, antiphonal treatment of strings against woodwinds. Inner strings play an ostinato descending 4-note scale motif in tremolo. The music becomes more agitated.
Reverse antiphon now beginning with the woodwinds in unison and answered by the string section in the 1st violin part.
The chromatic line at bar 55 crescendos to a climax at bar 56. Tension is heightened by the horns playing the tonic an octave apart.
Double exposition
Principal Theme/ 1st tonal area
The piano enters solo on the principal theme/ 1st tonal area with alberti bass accompaniment.
The principal theme/ 1st tonal area is embellished by scale passages and arpeggios which are idiomatic to the piano and allows the pianist to show off his technique.
The bridge passage starts off with tutti as before.
At bar 86 (beat three), the piano takes over the upbeat and continues with rapid scales up and down the keyboard while strings hum quietly on sustained