Pilgrims And Puritans Compare And Contrast

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Today, people are characterized by many different things. Some of the things that people are characterized by are race, gender, sexual orientation, and religion. Religion is very important in today’s age, but was just as important in the days of the Pilgrims, and Puritans if not more. Pilgrims, and Puritans both are groups of people who originated from England, and its church, which was the Anglican Church. Although these two groups come from similar walks of life, and many are confused by the names as well because they sound very similar, these two groups of people had very different views of life, especially when it came down to religion, Puritans were members of a group of English Protestants of the late 16th and 17th centuries who had very strict religious beliefs. Although, Pilgrims were originally considered Puritans as well they lost the passion for the want to purify the church, and became Separatist. Puritans were the founders of the northern colonies of New England. The creation of Puritanism developed after the English Reformation. The Puritans aim was to Reform the Anglican Church …show more content…

When the Pilgrims, who were also known as Separatists arrived to America they were very few in number unlike the Puritans who arrived in great numbers. The Pilgrims migrated on board the Mayflower in the 1620’s. The Pilgrims wanted to reform the Church of England but they became known as separatists, because they were committed to reform and were willing to separate from the Church of England as a whole. They felt that everyone had the right to choose their own religion, and worship in the way that they chose to individually. They also saw many opportunities to start a new life, and saw the potential of growth economically in traveling to the new land. The New World was a representation of a fresh slate in the eyes of the

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