Pirates Past Noon Analysis

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Adventure fiction stories are not required to be written in a specific point-of-view. Authors have the freedom to select the point-of-view to write their story regardless of its genre. Mary Pope Osborne created a third person narrator to tell the story Pirates Past Noon. Through the story the narrator uses pronouns such as “he” or “she”. The narrator does not take part in the story. Michael Teitelbaum created a third person omniscient narrator to tell the story Garfield and the Wicked Wizard. The narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all the characters in the story. Through a third person omniscient narrator, Teitelbaum was able to bring to life multiple characters which were important to the plot structure of the story. Melinda Metz wrote her story, …show more content…

The story is told by Mary-Kate, one of the main characters of the story. It is more likely for a reader to relate to a story told in a first person point-of-view. All three stories which evidently met at least one of the major conventions of adventure fiction mentioned by Hintz and Tribunella were successful in taking the reader on an adventure regardless of the distinct point-of-views they were written