Pit Bulls Research Paper

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Pit Bulls are kind and loving. These dogs need a loving environment and a nice home. These don’t have lacking jaws, not a breed, and were war hero 's at one point in time. These dogs can be good protection. They won 't attack unless they feel threatened. Let 's see why Pitt Bulls make good pets. Foremost in position, Pit Bulls don’t have locking jaws according to multcopets.org. It is not possible for any dog to have a locking jaw the way that there jaw is formed. In source one a Representative named Bruce Goodwin stated that drug dealers and other criminals have these pets because of their locking jaw. Mr. Goodwin was wrong, these dogs don’t have a locking jaw. As you can see these animals don’t have a locking jaw and can make a great …show more content…

Pit Bulls are kind and loving. These dogs need a loving environment and a nice home. These don’t have lacking jaws, not a breed, and were war hero 's at one point in time. These dogs can be good protection. They won 't attack unless they feel threatened. Let 's see why Pitt Bulls make good pets. Foremost in position, Pit Bulls don’t have locking jaws according to multcopets.org. It is not possible for any dog to have a locking jaw the way that there jaw is formed. In source one a Representative named Bruce Goodwin stated that drug dealers and other criminals have these pets because of their locking jaw. Mr. Goodwin was wrong, these dogs don’t have a locking jaw. As you can see these animals don’t have a locking jaw and can make a great pet. Adjoining the last paragraph, Pit Bulls are one misunderstood breed. Actually Pit Bulls are not a breed according to Investagation.prta.org. These animals get blamed for so many dogs get in fights, just because they have short hair and a stocky build that doesn 't make them a Pit Bull. Also in source four it claims that any short haired stocky breed is classified as a Pit Bull. As you have learned Pit Bulls get blamed and are misunderstood. Finally we can take a look at a little history about