Pit Bulls Should Be Banned Essay

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“Twenty five percent of dogs in shelters are adopted” (“Statistics On Pet Adoption”). With only twenty five percent of dogs being adopted, that means over seventy five percent of dogs in shelters through out the nation are euthanized. Euthanasia means injecting the animal with a toxic medicine and it controllably puts the animal down in a supposed humane way. A large portion of those dogs euthanized every year are of Pit Bull descent. The Pit Bull adoption rates are very low and the euthanasia rates are very high, “Pit Bulls and Pit Bull mixes average about 33% of shelter intakes nationally, but in large cities the numbers are as high as 40%-65%. About 75% of municipal shelters euthanize Pit Bulls immediately upon intake, without them ever …show more content…

Pit Bulls were originally bred for the use to keep bulls in the pens on farms and for baiting in the early sixteenth century. The Pit Bull is not its own breed but it is a term used to summarize several breeds of dogs including the American Staffordshire Terrier, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, The English Bull Terrier and the American Pit Bull Terrier into one generally understood term.(“Should Pit Bulls Be Banned”). The genetic make up of the Pit Bull can lead to it’s behavior. It is not the main reason why Pit Bulls are aggressive, but what Pit Bulls were bred for can lead to the affect of the behavior for Pit Bulls. Meaning, that genetics are not a main concern for the behavior. Genetics can influence any breed. Any other breed of dog can be inherently dangerous from its genetics and what it was bred for. The blame on genetics for Pit Bulls is blamed on the element of genetics deoxyribonucleic acid, which is also the acronym DNA. The DNA is believed to have a gene that contains aggressiveness. Glen Bui from the Mid-American Bully Breed Rescue explains the genetic make up of DNA and how it can make Pit Bulls

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