Pixar Way To Think About Story Conflict Analysis

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Conflict in Literature Before watching the videos assigned, I think they will be interesting because portions of the title of the videos say Pixar, and I like to think I am a big fan of the company. As I am reading the remain parts of the titles I can infer that these videos will be giving insight on character and parts of the plot. In addition, due to the title of the assignment I can guess that a good portion of the videos will be on conflict in a story or a character deals with. “The Pixar Way to Think about Story Conflict” This video seems to be animated and it is playing around with different fonts. Once the video played it stayed on the title page for what seemed longer than it needed to but once the video officially started a woman appears on the screen. It looks like the animation of the dog on the title page is long forgotten. Once she gets through the introduction, she begins to give examples of a conflict in the Pixar movie Toy Story to help the viewer understand a conflict. Once she teaches on the conflict, the video ends with her telling us what is to come in the second lesson. I think this video is my least favorite because I thought it would be a fun animated way for the author to educate the viewer about conflicts but it was not. …show more content…

The format of the video has scenes of movies playing while the person who made the video does a voice-over. He gives the conflict of lots of movies, but once he has pointed out all the conflict he tells why conflict is needed in life and how Disney finds the ideas for the problems in their