Plagiarism By Robert Lee Mahon

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Plagiarism is a largely spreading problem in education worldwide with many different disciplinary actions being taken in order to prevent it. Disciplinary actions among college students could be considered harsh or maybe not harsh enough. There are many reasons for why and how to discipline plagiarism within colleges across the United States in order to stop the crime in it’s tracks. Plagiarism is frowned upon to the highest extent. Robert Lee Mahon says,“In more old-fashioned terms, plagiarism is a moral sin, and the wages of sin are death”(272). This author’s interpretation of plagiarism is being compared to the worst of all sins one that should be punished to the harshest extent. This comparison helps outline the negative of plagiarism by …show more content…

Mahon also writes that,“When I think someone has a plagiarized I simply flunk the paper, flunk the student for the course and write a polite little note on the paper informing the student of same”(272). Teachers are cracking down on plagiarizing by flunking students who are caught. If students are scared of failing a course due to plagiarizing they are less likely to plagiarize so this is a very effective disciplinary action. As a matter of fact it’s the most effective disciplinary action. Catching plagiarism is easy with today’s digital access. Stewart, Brian C. and Faires, Charles L. went as far as to create what they refer to as,“a plagiarism detection tool”(1). With today’s advanced technology catching plagiarism is much easier. Technology can catch details a professor could miss. Together with these advances professors can more effectively catch plagiarizing. Discipline of students among various colleges can range from minor to extreme. Singh and Remenyi find that,“The penalties imposed by universities range from requiring the student to resubmit the piece of work or suspending or even expelling him or her from the university”(40). Some actions against plagiarism are more harsh as well as more effective than others. Professors should focus on the harsher actions. Not to mention that harsher actions are more effective with …show more content…

Faires and Stewart found,“The bowers’ study revealed that 3 of 4 students had committed at least 1 or 13 behaviors related to cheating”(2). The amount of plagiarizing in today's classrooms has become more common. People are admitting to plagiarizing left and right. Of course they are coming forward and openly admitting to taking part in plagiarism due to them believing plagiarism is acceptable behavior. Plagiarism is causing many negative effects not only on the students but on the class as a whole. Ian Mcintosh, John Loadsman, and Zhang Yuehong describe an effect of plagiarism as,“deterioration in the class environment”(23). Plagiarizing is affecting the environment of the classroom. Students are plagued by so many plagiarizing actions in the class that it is spreading like a disease. In addition, the likelihood of it spreading increases due to the commonness of it. Getting an A through plagiarizing doesn’t mean you are an A student. Singh and Remenyi explain how,“Having the money to buy complete academic work does not enhance the intellectual capability of the student”(39). Plagiarized papers can be bought. By buying a good grade or finished assignment there is no learning. Therefore, the intelligence of students will degrade if these actions

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