Plagiarism In College Essay

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Miriam Ahwireng Ms. Delisa Hawkes English 1010 Proposal Essay April, 27/2018 Plagiarism among college students dishonesty can lead to a ruined reputation, the loss of a career, and legal problems.lagiarism among college students Plagiarism is an act of stealing someone’s ideas and passing them on as one’s own. This issue deserve attention due to the dangerous effects it has on students who engage in it. It leads them to a path of destroying their future and careers and prevents them from being who they want to become as adults in the future. Students who engage in this acts are most likely at stake to face the consequences it comes with. The target audience on plagiarism will be focused …show more content…

“A new study by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority warns that exam boards appear to be failing to spot cheating, even though the number of cases of fraud is increasing. Last year, 3,600 teenagers were caught breaching the rules - a 9% rise on the previous year.”(Anthony Julius). The word plagiarism derives from Latin roots: plagiarius, an abductor, and plagiare, to steal. An example of plagiarism would be copying this definition and pasting straight into a report. Plagiarism is a very ancient art. “Shakespeare stole most of his historical plots directly from Holinshed. Laurence Sterne and Samuel Taylor Coleridge were both accused of plagiarism. The extent of Coleridge's plagiarism has been debated by scholars since Thomas de Quincey, himself an accomplished borrower, published an exposé in Tait's Magazine a couple of weeks after Coleridge's death. Oscar Wilde was repeatedly accused of plagiarism”.(1). In modern times, plagiarism is not limited to lazy and dishonest students. Martin Luther King plagiarised part of a chapter of his doctoral thesis. George Harrison was successfully sued for plagiarising the Chiffons' He's So Fine for My Sweet Lord. Alex Haley copied large passages of his novel Roots from The African by Harold Courlander. Princess Michael was accused of plagiarism over her book on royal brides. Jayson Blair, then a reporter …show more content…

In the article, Plagiarism as a Threat to Public Identity, it states that “past research in psychology examines students' attitudes toward copying another's work and the influence of situation and environment, peer behavior and approval, social acceptability, cross-cultural differences, and individual dispositions to plagiarise. (Smyth & Davis, 2003). In other words, the act of psychology has examined many college student motivation, perception, and acts of plagiarism from the perpetrator's perspective. Many students plagiarise to score high marks and prove to others in an effort to create and maintain personal distinctiveness .When the authors interpersonally distinctive ideas are publically displayed, and plagiarized by a student, the copied individual feels

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