Plague Today Vs Middle Ages Essay

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A Plague’s Effects: Today vs The Middle Ages Imagine fifty percent of our population today was lost due to a plague. There would be many changes to the way people live. People’s values would change, the amount of income and jobs would change, advances in technology would take place, and the styles of art and literature would change. In the Middle Ages, this is exactly what happened. Lots of people were killed in a very short amount of time, and drastic changes were needed in order to go on. Values, religion, and the general outlook on life all changed after the Bubonic Plague. People started to look on the science side of things, and began to doubt the church leaders’ theories as to why things happened. If there were to be a plague today, there wouldn’t really be a change in religion, but there would be a change in the way people looked at life, and their values. People would be more grateful for what they had and they would appreciate life more. There wouldn’t be as much violence, for a few reasons. For one, everyone would be going through the hard time together, with losing loved ones, and maybe even getting sick. Getting sick from a plague most of the time means certain death, so if terrorists died out, and psychopaths died out, there would be no more violence. Shifting sources of power and income also took place after the plague in the …show more content…

This would call for more machines to do work, and better technology and medicines. In the Middle Ages, “...with fewer people to do the work, labor-saving devices had to be invented… Now only a few people were around, so they put their minds into coming up with new devices and technologies that would do the work for them. That gave rise to innovations… that literally changed the world.” New inventions after a plague could make a huge difference in how people perform tasks today, and for the

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