
Planned Parenthood Pros And Cons

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The issue of whether Planned Parenthood organizations should continue being funded by the government or not has been a controversial issue for a while now. So, why is Planned Parenthood such a controversial issue? Planned Parenthood Clinics has been offering services for reproductive health and general health to women, men and young people for over 100 years. The fact that in the services they offer abortion is one of them is what has made Planned Parenthood such a controversial issue. For many people, the act of abortion is morally wrong and others think that women should have the right to decide whether or not they want an abortion, especially in cases of rape. Because there are many anti-abortion groups trying to persuade the government …show more content…

Planned Parenthood Clinics are not needed because there are many federally qualified health centers across the country that can provide service in rural areas that provide family planning services, cancer screenings, and women’s health exams. According to Sarah Toree, a policy analyst at the Richard and Helen DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society, of the Institute for Family, Community, and Opportunity, at The Heritage Foundation, In 2013, FQHC centers provided services to 21 million people, that is about eight times as many patients as the 2.7 million Planned Parenthood reported seeing. With this report, we can see that it would be better to give more funding to FQHC and defund Planned Parenthood because FQHC are helping more people and without involving abortion. Besides, there are videos circulating the internet that show that Planned Parenthood organizations could be selling the organs of aborted unborn. Also, it is said that Planned parenthood educated people about contraceptives. Planned Parenthood likes to brag about their services, especially about the contraceptives service and how much they have helped prevent pregnancies, but the truth is that cancer screening and preventive services at Planned Parenthood has decreased by more than 50 percent since 2004. And abortion services has …show more content…

The weakness of this side would be that based on the reports it seems that the abortion rate is increasing and the preventative care rate is decreasing. The strengths for the side against funding Planned Parenthood would be that they have pointed out that there are other places that provide similar services all over the world without involving abortion. The weakness for this side would be that the videos that are circulating have not been confirmed to be true. I support Planned Parenthood organizations. I think that woman should have the right to decided if they want to have an abortion or not. From what I have learned about this issue, there is no right or wrong side because whether you are in favor or against Planned Parenthood; it all has to do with what you believe is wrong or right since abortion for most people has to do with

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