Planning A Diverse Classroom Essay

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Planning a class curriculum in a diverse classroom can be bit of a challenge, yet it is essential to academic growth of all the students. On the other hand as we learn in our readings “many agree that the ability to speak more than one language is necessary for future success in an already global society” (Robles de Melendez& Beck, 2013, p250). With that on mind, having a diverse classroom with children that are English Language Learners is great, they are going to be essential to society. Knowing this as educator we have a responsibility to make sure that our students truly understand what is being taught in our classroom. If we think about it closely, many kids come to school not knowing any English at all; in this case how could be expect …show more content…

“Exposure to language and interactions with family members and adults play a leading role in how and what language the child acquires” (255). I have had the privilege to see this first hand. I work in a classroom where half the students are ELL’s, it is amazing to see how fast they pick up English as a second language. With these students the teacher makes sure that either she, or an aide give directions in Spanish as well as English. Also, we have in our class library a selection of Spanish and English books that they can choose to read. These are the only two home languages that our kids have. On the other hand, we have effective collaboration with the families of all the students in their preferred language. I would say that in the planning of class curriculum it is crucial to prioritize language for effective communication. This is also pointed out in our reading “in the ELL classroom, planning should focus on language needs and acquisition ability of each child” (265). I have seen how this in fact works because you are translating the same information and the kids are so bright that they pick up the key words and learn them little by little, but before you realize the student has learned the meaning of the words and can use them in his or her personal communication with

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