Plant-Animal Co-Evolution: What Is Coevolution?

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Name: Hithesh Kunnel Shaji Student number: 15317833
Plant-animal co-evolution
What is coevolution? Coevolution can be defined as evolution in two or more evolutionary entities brought about by mutual selective effect between the entities. This means the trait in specie one can affect the evolutionary pathway of specie two which in turn affect the evolutionary pathway of specie one. Coevolution interaction can be positive, neutral or negative. There are various examples that support coevolution. Examples: Plant pollinators, Batesian mimicry and predation.
Positive interaction is when both parties benefit from coevolution. One interesting example of positive …show more content…

This interaction can be found in Central America. The ant protects the Acacia plant against it being eaten and the plant provides the ant with essential proteins, carbohydrates and a place to live. Some Acacia species have chemicals in their leaves to protect them however some lack this chemical and rely on the ants for protection. The plant possesses thorn from which the ants carve their nest which provides them with shelter. The petioles of the leaf have nectars which the ants feed on and also the leaflets produce protein that the ants consume. In return the ants attack herbivores and they chew through the plants that surround the plant thus preventing those plants from shading the Acacia and also inhibiting its growth. These ants are known for removing caterpillars that maybe on the plant and also chewing down plants and vines that maybe at the base of the plant. The other species of Acacia plant that is not coevolved with the ants have no food materials in the leaflets and have hallow thorns. It is clear to see that the plants have coevolved with the ants to as a protection mechanism against other plants and also herbivores. (Bronstein,

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