Feasibility Study Of Plastic Essay

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1.1 General Background
Facts of the matter, plastics made products are on our fingertips every day in the form of water bottle, disposable plastic cups, spoon, computer and vehicle steering. Fifty percent plastic made products such as plastic bags, beverage bottles use one time only (Randolph S and Jeremiah, 2009). Nearly one billion people across the globe have no access to clean and safe water and mostly buy water available in plastic bottles (Tiaji, S. B., 2012). The beverage selling has increased by 500% and bottled water was found to be the bestselling product on earth (John, 2011). Plastic is flexible, cheap and convenient therefore extensively use for packing purposes. However, not every kind of plastic is the same. In 1988, the Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI) established a classification system to help consumers and recyclers properly recycle and dispose of each different type based on its chemical makeup. Today, manufacturers follow a coding system and place a number, or SPI code, on each plastic product, usually moulded into the bottom (Refer Table 1). …show more content…

Despite of the huge advantages of made materials by using polymers, these actually are the real threats for environment as well as human health especially due to long decomposable nature of the polymers. 50 billion of waste water bottle generate every year in worldwide and expected to increase (Amit G et al., 2012). This is the major issue in many developing and under developing countries to recycle and reuse waste polymers. Besides, due to inefficient and high cost consuming projects, this avoids the process of recycle and reusing so lastly it becomes wastes and goes to landfills. Some will be burnt under uncontrolled conditions that could also lead to generation of many hazardous air