Plato And Rose Wilder Lane Democracy Analysis

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In a post-apocalyptic American society, we need a government based in democracy that will work to make America stronger. This government must be about the people, not politicians or money. The form of governance that should be used, is a democracy based on bettering our population and quality of life without hurting other societies, heavily based on the ideas of these individuals.
Plato and Rose Wilder Lane both have very interesting views of how the government should be and I think they could work together well to create a government. Plato believed that everyone has their own talents and should do what they’re good at. He also believed in a direct democracy, where everyone’s voice is heard. Education also is important to him. Rose Wilder Lane, while she believed in a representative democracy instead of a direct democracy, believed that individuals should be involved in the government as much as possible. I think between the two of them, we could create a government that is truly of the people, for the people. …show more content…

He also believed that “the welfare of society had always been left to corrupt or incompetent politicians, ignorant voters, over-ambitious generals, and other people unsuited to run a state” (Plato: Democracy). He believed that philosophers should be in charge (Plato: Democracy) and in his mind, the government should be representative of the ordinary man. While Plato would never have considered himself a supporter of democracy, I believe that many of his ideas fit nicely into one. In my ideal government, the voice of the general public would be more important than those of politicians, because as humans, we are easily corrupted and when only a few individuals are in power, it is only the rich and powerful who end up with a