Plato's Allegory Of The Cave In The Matrix

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As Lana and Lilly Wachowski have set the plot of the film, The Matrix, 1999 events taking place, the film proves to underscore the contents of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. The Matrix, just as the Plato’s Allegory of Cave, reveals the trending and unending concepts of reality, truth, the real world, and ideal world. The Matrix, which bases its plot on Neo, is a sci-fi action film, which debates how the ‘real world’ that Neo had initially perceived to be to be real was just a mere illusion and how the persons who live in the Matrix world appear to be trapped in a cave (Lana and Lilly, 1999). The essay explores the plot of “The Matrix” in relation to “Plato’s Allegory of Cave” in the context of human perception of truth, and reality and how to