Plato's Allegory Of The Cave, Othello

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As children we are taught to always taught there is only one truth and the truth always is the answer. But is that really true, Literary evidence from Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, Othello and the article “Don’t let Stereotypes Warp Your Judgement” seems to prove it's not .In Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, Plato explained how people themselves has their own definition of truth, as the men are stuck in a cave and only believing in the shadows on the wall as the truth.They developed themselves a false truth but still a truth. Now look at Othello by William Shakespeare as othello was tricked by Iago into believing lies othello has created himself the false truth. Not able to unravel the truth about mankind. And how the truth is stuck in the layers of lies in the stories of Othello, …show more content…

This continues,one day one of the four broke free and went outside to experience the light. When the freed man first went out he has said “ it hurts” meaning the truth that he has created himself is disappearing and being recreated. For people to be enlightened and know the truth can be shocking to them because they never would have expected it, or it is painful to have too much knowledge. As people usually say, “Ignorance is bliss.” It's only a way to keep their false