Plato's Apology: The Trial Of The Philosopher Socrates

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Plato’s Apology tells the account of the trial of the philosopher Socrates. It is Plato’s account of what Socrates said against the charges they were being brought to him and his pursuit of his own innocence throughout the trial. The charges that are being brought up against him are that he is damaging the youth by corrupting them, accusation of his belief in the gods and teaching about gods that were not accepted by the State, they believe he is trying to change religion, while also accusing him that he will not prove to the court that he did not perform in these action. From the beginning, he asks not to be interrupted while he speaks and as he speaks his accusers seem to be taken back by his words. At the end Socrates changes in a sense …show more content…

He believed that if no one followed the principles and morals of what is right, it would lead to chaos. If no one is on the right path of good, no one would obey the laws leading to a loss of Athens. By staying in Athens and accepting death Socrates shows he truly loves and respects Athens. Socrates was a man of the law and had been since he was taught to obey the laws of Athens. Since he was a man who believed in doing everything right, it also meant that he believed that it was wrong to go against the laws that had been placed. He already believed that if no one followed the law, that it would lead to chaos so for him the only reasonable thing to do in his situation was to face the jury's judgement. He accept the punishment no matter what because he believes that it is the right thing to do. To Socrates, laws and rules teach people how to act and if you follow them, then you’re being a good person. The laws are an outline about how people should act and behave. Socrates believes that laws is what leads to Athens moving towards something better and positive. He is showing that he is a man of reason by staying in Athens because he believes in the law even if it is against him. If he would have fled or left the city, in his eyes, he was going against everything he believed in. His final statements shows how he feels about what could happen to him and his choice to face consequences. If he is to be put to death, he says “To converse and to associate with them and to examine them there would be inconceivable happiness. Certainly those there surely do not kill on this account. For those there are happier than those here not only in other things but also in that they are immortal henceforth for the rest of time, at least if the things that are said are in fact true.”. He is stating that in death he will still be asking questions because he is a philosopher and what he believes his obligation to god. Socrates