The Role Of Censorship In Literature

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Plato’s position on literature is the relationship between justice and happiness. Gods are a definition of what good and truthfulness is, making them completely separate from evil. Religion not only explains where life began, but the meaning of life and the specific roles one has to serve as a believer. Also, understanding the emotions of fellowship relates to the truthfulness and or falsehood of myths and religions. Now a society’s unifying belief system is beneficial whether that system is true or not is irrelevant. His attitude is surprising considering that he proclaims to value truth above all else in the case of the noble lie at least societies values the halt and security of the state over truth perhaps he realizes that without a stable …show more content…

Censorship allows for the protection of children from harmful ideologies and incorrect morals. It then becomes critical that those at a young age only be expose to stories and works of literature that portray the truth and correct ideologies of morality.

Plato Argues that censorship serves its purpose to prevent harmful ideologies from being imposed on our children. As pointed out by Plato, there is a responsibility to educate the young with the correct virtues and morals. Any forms of art may establish incorrect ideologies or morals in children. Regardless of whether the lesson brought out through any such art form is positive or negative, it can be argued that a possible misinterpretation could have a negative effect as well. If the message of the stories, music or images (regardless of the art form) is positive, It may lead to an overly optimistic sense of reality (lacking realism), and if the message conveyed is too negative, it could impose a pessimistic perception upon the children. The biggest problem that can be argued (especially for children) is the wrongful interpretation of the works of art. As Art is not based in reality, rather a re …show more content…

However because Plato 's position and defense of censorship only takes into account the prevention of ideas that may morally corrupt the children of society, it does not account for the other problems that may be raised with the idea of censorship. As aforementioned, the many problems with censorship, such as the lack of freedom, and imposed biases, now become valid. Because the party at hand is no longer just children (may be possible young adults or adults). The said party now possesses such an intellectual capacity to properly evaluate such ideas, and censoring said mediums of art and literature take away the action of evaluating such ideas. Regardless of whether or not the idea is correct or wrong, just or unjust, it can be argued that every party possesses the right to evaluate the ideas in the first place. Not addressing such a statement illustrates the contradictory nature of Plato 's philosophical beliefs. An example can be illustrated with the address of religion. It is argued that having a system of belief is more important than whether or not that system is true. That being said, regardless of whether a belief or system is true or false, one should still possess the right to evaluate it so. This however raises a possible division of belief (non unification) and as a result may corrupt society as it lacks unity. However such a