Plato's Story Of Atlantis, The Lost Civilization

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Emma Layman Henderson English 9 April 14, 2016 Atlantis, the lost civilization The story of Atlantis dates back thousands of years ago and was developed into a well-known legend by the philosopher Plato, who first heard the story from his Grandfather. In Plato’s story, the Greek god Poseidon created an island for his new wife to protect her from harm. They raised five sons. The oldest son, Atlas, ruled over the civilization of Atlantis. According to the story, one tragic night of fire and flood sank the island into the sea and was never found. Although many believe that Atlantis was just an ancient fable, evidence of catastrophe, the discovery of artifacts, plausible locations, and similar cultures prove that it did exist at one time. In Plato’s story, he describes how the city was destroyed by a night of fire and flood. In the areas where the island is most likely located, flooding is common. “It is theorized that the island’s ‘sinking’ was caused by a rise in sea levels from glacier meltwater,” explains Drye. Also in the possible location are a system of active volcanos. This likely location, Greek islands, is known for its volcanic eruptions and flooding. The island was said to be small enough to be washed over by the meltwater and completely covered in ash. The island is likely to be north, where glaciers were common. …show more content…

Some believe that it never existed, but artifacts found from other ancient civilizations from all over the world might be proof that it did. Although many believe that Atlantis was just an ancient fable, plausible locations, the discovery of artifacts, similar cultures, and evidence of catastrophe prove that it did exist at one time. Scientists continue to look for more evidence of the city. Many have come close, but the exact location of the island has not been discovered. The disappearance of Atlantis has become one of the biggest unsolved mysteries of all