Empiricism Vs Rationalism

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According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, innatism refers to a philosophical belief in innate ideas and knowledge which suggests that one is born with certain ideas and knowledge. Therefore, it contradicts tabula rasa, an epistemological argument that the mind is a blank state at birth. In the history of philosophy, innatism has been widely discussed between rationalists and empiricist. While rationalists assert that certain ideas and knowledge pre-exist in the mind independently of experience, empiricists claim that all knowledge is gained through one’s experience. I agree with the rationalists’ view of innatism that one is born with certain knowledge rather than being at a blank state at birth. Research supports that argument with the following …show more content…

Plato believed that learning is a process of remembering and remembering timeless ideas that are engraved in one’s soul. However, education is still needed as a process of remembering because the soul forgets these truths when it becomes incarnated into a body. In his dialogue, Socrates questioned a slave boy about a geometrical puzzle. Even though the boy had never been taught about the subject, he could generate correct answers as Socrates questioned him. Plato claimed that this was possible because Socrates’ questions functioned as education which allowed the boy to recollect the innate knowledge of geometry the boy possessed from birth. The claim itself seems logical because the fact that the boy could answer the questions correctly without learning about the subject can only be explained through innate knowledge. The claim will be supported more scientifically later in the paper by the study of neuron system. Based on the research, I agree that humans are born with certain …show more content…

The study stated, “In summary, we discovered a synaptic organizing principle that groups neurons in a manner that is common across animals and hence, independent of individual experiences.” In other words, the Blue Brain Group discovered that neurons transmit signals independently of one’s experience. It has been previously known that neuronal circuits become established and get reinforced through experience, making memories. However, the researchers found out that the groups of neurons are fundamental building blocks that contain basic innate knowledge and acquired knowledge, such as memory, would be a result of combining these building blocks rather than forming new groups of neurons. Moreover, when they tested on the neuronal circuits of different rats, they displayed similar characteristics. It suggests that their neuronal circuits must have been made prior to their experience and thus, they must be inborn and established in advance. The study is consistent with Plato’s claim in the last paragraph and supports the claim scientifically. Based on the study, the boy who answered Socrates’ questions correctly without learning about the subject seems to have basic innate knowledge about math in his genes. The study, with scientific evidences, clearly indicates that some of basic knowledge is inscribed in genes that humans are born with, and consequently, I