Poetry Marianne Moore Meaning

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Before the internet came, poetry was widely celebrated for their insights and morals. When people read poetry nowadays, the people do not understand the lesson that the poem is trying to express and this brings people to discard poetry. As for Marianne Moore’s poem “Poetry,” not everyone understands what her poem really meant and how related the poem is to her life. “Poetry” gives the reader the idea of how poetry is just a waste of time. If poetry were to be understood properly, then people will understand that in the long run, reading poetry is worth it. Going to liberal arts college Bryn Mawr and The Dial influenced Marianne Moore to understand the true meaning behind writing and the life lessons that can change a person for the better …show more content…

She loved to write and was very fond of her time at The Dial because she met many artistic figures. The Dial stabilized Marianne’s writing career and left her with many support in the shadows. When The Dial stopped publication in 1929, Marianne Moore was established well enough that she was able to support herself and her mother by writing essays and reviews for magazines (“Poetry”). Her first job starts the beginning of Moore being well known by many people during her time. Without the help of The Dial helping her improve her writing and punctuation, Marianne would not be the person who she is …show more content…

Moore's most famous line from “Poetry” is "Imaginary gardens with real toads in them” which distinguishes the topics poets write about, the real toads, from the artificial human-made context that is represented by the imaginary gardens. Any garden represents a set of choices about how real things are assembled and displayed (Lancashire). This phrase represents how poets give a different, deeper meaning to simple words. The phrase also explains the universal theme Marianne Moore tries to establish in writing the poem

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