Through artistic pieces of writing, poets can express key aspects of their lives in their own unique style. Poetry is used to communicate everything from narratives to ancient philosophies. Poetry through the ages has had a major impact on different societies. Some of the greatest poetic movements can be dated back as early as Ancient Greece (Uttley, 2010). Each era consisted of different poets whose exceptional work is still known today. Although most were not similar in terms of subject, many poems were written in the style of the political movement of that period and the effect it had on the poet. Many of the greatest poems through history are ones that have come from this influence. The Romanticism period is a particular era that had one of the biggest influences on poetry history. Hello senior high school students of literature, I’m Geneva and …show more content…
Romanticism was a literary movement that began around the late 18th century and peaked in the early 1800's (Brians,P. 2014). This period was significant for many reasons; the pinnacle of passion, imagination and emotion in every art form, to name a few. While in part, this was a revolt against the norms of society of the previous historical period; it was also a backlash against the industrial revolution. Industrialists believed that through mass production and more industrialised living, the revolution would increase the affluence and productivity of human kind (“Industrial Revolution”, 2014). However, the members of society that corresponded with the styles of Romanticism believed that it was dehumanising and believed in a more humanistic way of life. This is one