Pol Pot's Life In Cambodia After The Khmer Rouge

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Life in Cambodia After the Khmer Rouge

Have you ever lost someone very important to you? For example, losing your grandpa because he was in the military protecting your country. That’s how it felt for families during the Cambodian Genocide. Families from all across Cambodia lost their loved ones because they were educators or soldiers. Pol Pot’s plan was to get rid of almost all the older people because they could’ve gotten in his way of the ideas he was trying to propose. Pol Pot wanted all the younger people to join him to kill all the older and smarter people. Since Pol Pot accomplished most of the goals he has set; he pretty much destroyed a beautiful country. The Khmer Rouge made Cambodia an unpleasant place to visit or live in because of all the past and present problems that have come along. Life in Cambodia is unpleasant because of the Cambodian Genocide, poverty, and unhealthy environment. …show more content…

It is the probably the second worst genocide since the Holocaust. In the Cambodian Genocide approximately 1.7 million people lost their lives, which is 21% of the country’s population, due to Pol Pot. He led his army also known as the Khmer Rouge. The Khmer Rouge attacked the educated; they wanted to persecute the doctors, lawyers, former or current police officers or military. The Khmer Rouge also looked for and targeted Christians, Buddhist, and Muslims. They did all this to create an environment where you didn’t have to worry about other people being better than you; all you did was work for the good of everyone. The Cambodian Genocide made Cambodia and unpleasant and unhealthy place to