
Polarization In The United States Essay

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The United States as a country is so diverse and unique that no country could compare to its political and cultural institutions. The country does not fit in many political categories when studying comparatively, and the United States is many times the exception to the rules that are used to describe different country’s political systems. In terms of the United States being unique, the county has been experiencing major democratic backsliding and serious polarization throughout the country. Not to mention how the United States is unique due to its electoral and federal government systems.
Firstly, polarization has become a really defining feature of American politics, especially since the country has been increasingly divided ideologically …show more content…

Which then also leads to a lack of trust from politicians to voters. This amount of false and misleading information is making it even harder for politicians to find common ground when it comes to new legislation and laws that need to be passed.
Gridlock is also a contributing fracture from polarization because it leads to the breakdown of trust and communication between the Senate and the House of Representatives. Which then can lead to a lack of coalitions and compromise between not only the different parties but also the different branches of government. Communication and compromise are key factors to having a successful government and the effects of polarization and gridlock are creating a major decline in the United States government.
Next, around the world, the United States is known and is considered the definition of a democratic government because of the system of checks and balances, however, in recent years there has been a major concern for democratic backsliding. The norms of the United states are declining in quality and there has been a gradual decline of many democratic …show more content…

There has been such a decrease in trust with politicians/political institutions and leaders who are willing to focus on democratic principles. Also because of the rising technologies and social media politicians are able to post propaganda or biased information directly making it easier for voters to see than them having to go through various new connections. This has increasingly been a new way any political institutions are putting out ‘fake news’ to confuse voters and second guess what they believe is right and wrong. With the growing social media platforms voters are also constantly having hard times on focusing on what platforms they can trust to give true information about elections, politicians and various political institutions. Our country is based on a two party system so the breakdown of cooperation and communication has severely hurt the country's political standpoint. Not only is gridlock occurring throughout the government but there is no new or updated legislation being passed because hardly any politician can agree to disagree. With only a two party system both the democratic and republican parties are constantly going back and forth on their ideas without any room for compromise. In the long run this is hurting the United States, polarization is eroding many of the democratic and economic systems the country relies

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