Police Officer Career Paper

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Police Officers play a very important role in the world today. There is more than 900,000 law enforcement officers in the United States serving right now. Right now, there is a big shortage of officers across the United States. Police officers want to strive everyday to do better than the officer beside them. While doing this, they also want to work as family. If you would like to be a police officer, you can pretty much find a job anywhere in the United States. Various skills are needed to become a police officer. Some are; problem solving, ability to follow orders, capacity to learn and for respect and compassion. Being a Police Officer is a very important and challenging job. If you are going to be a police officer, you need to know that you have to be prepared. If you are not going to be prepared, you might as well not even try getting a job in this field. It is pretty important to get special training or even get a college degree in criminal justice. The higher the training or the higher the degree in this field, the higher the rank. So the higher the rank you have, the higher paycheck you get. You do not have to be an intern to be a police officer, and once you are one, you are one. You have …show more content…

There’s many different fields you can go into if want to be a police officer or go into criminal justice. You can go into law enforcement, counterterrorism, computer forensics, homeland security, criminology, forensic science, forensic nursing, corrections, and many many more options. It doesn’t have to be a certain set job given by their department, police officers can do a numerous amount of assisting and help in communities. It could be to do traffic at public events and automotive accidents, administering first aid to injured people, and investigating

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