Political And Social Cost Of The Vietnam War

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War always has a lasting effect on the world no matter how great or how small. War changes the way people think, and it will always be the creator and the destroyer. No matter if it's the cost of life or the cost of money war is very costly. Major battles in Vietnam could either could have a major affect on U.S. oOr V.C. Battle of Ap Bac: South Vietnam were defeated by the North Vietnam army. Then the U.S dropped the ARVN which was a disaster. Five American Helicopters were destroyed which made Americans realized they needed to get more involved. The Battle of Van Tuong: “Also called operation starlite. This was the, first purely American assault on the VC.” (Rohn, 2) The U.S. launch an all out helicopter, tank and naval ship assault. With …show more content…

The Human Cost:“Out of 2,594,000 personnel who served in Vietnam 58,220 American dead, 153,303 wounded and 1,643 missing.” Economic Cost of the war “ The Department of Defense reports that the us spent $168 billion in or for the Vietnam war.”(Rohn, 5) Political and Social Cost “ Large scale anti-war movements around the country caused a great rift within American Society.” (Rohn, 1) Highest Cost: 1968 americans spent the most out of all the other years of the war. 480,359 thousands dollars in one year. Overall Cost: “Vietnam war was $173 billion (equivalent to $ 770 billion 2003 dollars).” (Rohn, 7) Veterans benefits and interest would add another $250 billion ( $1 trillion 2003 dollars).” Saigon: “ The fall of Saigon, the communists promptly began to operate re-education Programs camps” and “ new economic zones” and forced them to do Harsh work.” Vietnam: “ A few decades have passed but vietnam remains a developing country under the communist government.” (Rohn, 8) Anti-war: Soldiers coming home where welcomed by Anti-war protesters in which was always going on throughout the war and caused a huge mobs and protesters every where. The draft was never used after the war. Strategy and Policy of the Vietnam war completely changed military strategies and the foreign policy from there on

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