North Korea Issues

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North Korea Governmental Issues and Leaders Politics are what run, organize, and keep a government together—or cause it to fall apart. A leader’s influence and actions can affect the outcome of their government and country. North Korea’s politics and leaders can easily show their outcomes and consequences based on their history and reveal the future of their country. North Korea is full of contradictions and is on a dangerous path to imploding.

The trade between North Korea and other countries has been complicated due to their belief in staying isolated. Under the rule of Kim Il Sung, the country started to face famines and diseases due to his stubbornness regarding trade and needs. When his son, Kim Jong Il, came into office, he was more …show more content…

Several times, the two would arrange a meeting, with help from the United States and the Soviet Union, to find an agreement and balance for them to no longer be separate. Sadly, each meeting made the two see more of their differences and fall further apart. Eventually, the United Nations came in and were understanding that the north wanted to become an individual country, and thus they helped South Korea become the Republic of Korea. North Korea soon followed, with the making of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Even after the official split, the two have been wanting to become one nation. With the Soviet’s help, North Korea pursued its own wishes for a union and used military force to cross the boundary separating the two nations. The United Nations quickly took action for their ally and sent in American troops to defend the south. North Korea’s military was then pushed back to China’s borders by the American troops. Because their military was pushed on to their soil, China joined side with North Korea. The fighting between the two opposing countries became a strong influence in causing of the Cold War. While the South had a taste of how the North wanted to unite, they still want to make an agreement for the unification of the Korean peninsula. North Korea does not believe in agreements and unification. The only way they want to ‘unify’ the peninsula is by conquering with brutal force (Miller …show more content…

Most countries are open and give explanations as to why they are doing or planning something and often let other countries have some say or opinions towards the plans. With North Korea being a country of seclusion and working against others, no one knows their motives and goals of what they want to be, become, or plan to do. Countries thrive, expand, and grow with the help and advice of others and by acknowledging the history and outcomes of countries that have taken bad paths to destruction. North Korea now has closed borders and acts as if they do not need to explain themselves and do not listen to warnings or comparisons. In the 1990’s, Jong Il knew of this ignorance and became more accepting of the idea of open borders and went for help from other countries. Unfortunately Kim Jong-un did not know of his father’s plans and motives before his passing; Kim Un then went back to isolating North Korea and focuses more on strengthening and being intimidating. (Shuja 62+). Throughout the years from first establishing the Demotratic People’s Republic of Korea to the current year, one of the most known traits is how controlling their government is over the civilians. From hair to clothing and jobs to social life, everything they can do is highly limited and very restricting. The most restricted is their media and electronics. It is unknown if the people of North Korea are allowed to own mobile