Polygamy In America Essay

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Polygamy in North America “For as long as I could remember, there had been an undercurrent of contention and unrest in our family.” (Wall, 2009, page 10) When marriage is spoken about, we immediately foreshadow ideas of one single husband and one single wife. That husband and wife share similar goals and worship each other. They eventually have children and live happily ever after? Can you imagine that husband or wife having more significant others rather than just themselves? Seems very sinful, this is the general subject point for polygamy. What is Polygamy? “Polygamy exists among a sub cultural unit.” (Google Sites) This is due to their different nature and strive they exhibit to belong. Their drive for these circumstances causes …show more content…

Stated by Layton, This was exhibited in the LDS Church or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, due to the doctrine that passed plural marriage. (2018) Just like any doctrine an outpour of controversy followed. This explains the decision the Mormon Church made in 1890 about abandoning this practice. The Mormon’s who did not agree with this practice left the church to become part in the fundamentalist Mormon group. Polygamy was almost non-existent in regions like the Midwest, South, and Northeast. Individuals found committing acts of polygamy, face fines and separation from their families. This explains the reason most individual’s stay hidden with their families in order to protect …show more content…

These men feel burdened to protect their wives and entire families against all odds. Failure of the husband to take control over the wealth in the family often belittles his economic stature and power. A great deal of humiliation over powers the husband due to his failure to hold up to his reputation. While polygamy alters the men’s mindset, women face mind-altering issues in comparison. It can be argued that women actually sacrifice more for their husband in a polygamist-based relationship. The wives always feel compared to each other, especially when the husband brings a new wife who is much younger in

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