Polygamy Vs United States Essay

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For the many past years, women have fought for their rights in the US, but in the Middle East, women are starting to get their rights in the past recent years. People are lucky to live in the US instead of the Middle East because women there are still being discriminated. There are several laws in the Middle East that restrict women’s rights compared to the US. To start off, the family laws in the US and the Middle East have their similarities and differences. In the US, Polygamy is illegal and marriage is consented and legal at the age 18 in most countries in the US. But the age to marry in the US in some states could be up to the minimum age of 16. The US used to allow polygamy, just like Afghanistan and Iran. But later in the years, the US made polygamy marriage illegal. In Afghanistan and Iran, polygamy marriage is legal. Which means men are allowed to marry multiple wives. But the only …show more content…

Syria and Iran are two examples of the few countries in the Middle East that treat women equally. The only difference is, in Syria, women have no legal restriction. They also do not need consent from their male family members to do loans. In Iran, women also don’t have as many legal restrictions to own land or property. There are few land and property owners still because of the social and cultural norms. Women are limited when it comes to accessing collateral and are viewed as higher credit risks than men. All women in Syria and Iran are allowed to own property and land just like the US. Women in the US have no legal restrictions but they do face discrimination still. The benefit of allowing women to have ownership rights is that it helps boost the economy. If there are more ways for money to go around and jobs to take. The bigger the economy grows and the more freedom women get. But some people would also argue that women shouldn't own land or